Charlaine Harris announces Sookie books 11, 12, and 13.
Earlier this month Charlaine Harris announced, at the Chicago Borders book signing, she just signed a 3 (more) book deal with Penguin.
Saturday she announced more details of that plan. Charlaine will write three more Sookie books #11, #12, #13 planned for publication starting in 2011 and through 2014.
Love the series and can't wait till next year! I like that Sookie seems to have found happines with Eric, I hope they stay together but with 3 more books to come...who knows
I'm impressed with the 10th book, I really love Eric and Sookie together and am also glad that Pam and Sookie have become close friends...I am really excited for the last 3 books and hope like hell Sookie chooses ERIC!!!! Please!!! How long will I have to wait for the 11th?
book 10 starts off well and explains sum stuff however the middle lags and is all over the place. It seems to finish abruptly so unlike her other books. I also wish she woud bring back Quinn. I liked his character. There didn't seem to be much substance to this book. I was very disappointed.I hope the 11th book is better.
i also missed Quinn. sookie should definitely not end up with bill and i agree that this book was a little bit all over the place. i would like to see a bit more of a story line in the next one. i love eric more than anyone but i ultimately dont think that sookie should end up with a vampire. cant wait to read the next one!
I agree that this book was not as organized as the others, however the depth the writer actually gave Eric, all i have to say is kudos. What this book lacked in organization more than made up in tasteful, interesting, even erotic at times intrigue. After having read all the books the few things i can conclude are; A-Eric and Sookie together make him more human, B-Bill having his sister become his companion is a good thing, he can finally move on, and B-Sookie still hasn't completely found her place in this world, hopefully in the next three books, she will. Can't wait for the next book.
Great News!!! I just finsihed book 10 and while I agree I would have liked more meat in the book, I thought it was the best yet. Looking forward to the next 3 and just throwing it out there......Sookie and Sam
i really really liked this book - it was very different than the rest and THANK GOD SHE'S WITH ERIC! now we just need more lovin between the two, forget bill, quinn was a nice thought but Eric's where its at! I can not wait for the next 3 books!
i loved all the books and i def. cant wait for the next three praying bill and sookie end up together...i want them to so bad.....Eric loves her to but i believe bill loves her more!!!!
uhhh i was hoping at the end of the tenth it would come to a conclusion.. not that they are not great books I would totally read 3 more but I NEED A CONCLUSIon 4 yrs is way to long to wait will there ever even be an ending?
sookie and eric are ok...but i can't stand it!i think she and bill were the REAL deal!and i believe he absolutely loves her, forever. i never trusted eric,he manipulated her from the beginning:@ please let bill+sookie end up together!!!!!!!!!!!
i want eric and sookie to end up together too nd i agree 4 years is way to long to wait for the next three books i say as u finish them release them its not like their not going to sell, its a hit series for goodness sake, i read the irst ten since march nd now i have to wait four years geez thats crazy, wwell at least i got the show i guess
I have read Dead in the Family twice and am totally frustrated. In my mind, Sookie still isn't completely committed to Eric, but that just could be CH stringing us along and giving Bill fans hope that he will eventually end up with Sookie. If Bill ends up with a new HEA, I hope it is true love with a fabulous woman, not just settling for second best. He is the most interesting and complex character in the whole series. His struggle to be more human and to fight against his vampire nature is more interesting than Sookie's journey to find her true love.
Read Dead in the Family. Liked it, but wished Bill had a bigger role in the book. His role in this book was very human, classy and dignified; I totally loved it. Was glad to see Sookie give more thought to her relationship with Eric, but the end left me wondering if she will actually end up with Eric. Wish CH wouldn't drag the suspense out for 3 more years; it seems like it is killing all of us.
I must say that I loved this book! I was very happy with Sookie being with Eric but I have a feeling that she will leave him and be with her boss. I read on the Authors website that CH has the book all planned out and Sookie will not become a vampire. Also Erics "Father" hinted to her leaving Eric in the future. Now that Jay has more responsibilites I believe she will choose the pm over Sam. Sookie wants to be in control over her life so for her to become a vampire she loses much of that control and she can no longer have the opportunity to have children. Well these are my thoughts and I hope I have not angred anyone, also im sorry about my horrible typing skills :P
Eric and Sookie are going to get married.Pam pam papamm. Sookie is going to want to adopt the baby of Tara and JB (because they gone a die in an bad accident, oup's!) They will have problems has to officialize the adoption because the church and the gourvenement are firmly going to oppose to child's adoption by a couple (human being-vampire). It would be funny no? Yeah!
Dead in the Family was a good book. However, I am wanting more of a larger storyline (like the Vampire Summit, only bigger), perhaps an international edge. If Eric and Sookie are to be together, it should not be because of the blood bond. Can't wait for book 11....Jaimsta
I know that I cant wait for book 11! Ive never been so addicted to books in my life. Sookie and Eric are great for each other..i mean, he is really the only one who hasnt defied her in some crazy way. So the marriage thing was crazy..but not compared to Bill..or Quinns family issues...Alcide is a good man-Were-, but when your tradition is like his, I think not...I love this series Charlaine Harris! Please keep it going!
Books must come out faster! More romance... and, less fighting within the super natural world... More Sookie & Eric time... we must get to know them as a couple... and, not just sex-time...
oh, i liked Quinn sooo much. he was a nice change - compared to the vampires. i would really liked he ending up with Sookie -thought not too hopeful. i always thought Bill was her real love, obliged cheating behavior aside, but he is sort of immortal so there's my glitch... whatever happens and no matter who she ends up with [if it will not be Bill -or Quinn as a last resort i will be very upset :( ] i loooove the books !!!!!
Dead in the Family was good but I don't think it had enough action. It explained a lot and you understand more about the character's histories but nothing really substantial happened! I don't really like Sookie with Eric. I mean I'm dealing with it right now but what about Alcide??!!! They never really got a chance and his comment to Sookie during the Were meeting gave me hope maybe she could be with him! She needs someone who can be with her during the day...she loves the sun too much to spend her life growing old with a vampire that will never change and will probably eventually leave her because either A)she is old, or B)she becomes vampire and those relationships never last!
I love Eric and Sookie together and would maybe like to see a proper (human) wedding between them. I think Bill is better off as friends and i liked the introduction of his sister. I was never a fan of Quinn and think Sookie does best with Vampires. I wonder if Sookie will ever be turned and if so by who? I don't think i can wait 4 years for the next three books seen as i just read the first 10 books in just over a week!
I think Eric is the perfect fit for Sookie. You have to read between the lines whenever they see each other, there's something there and that was before the blood bond. I think Eric is a magnificent character, see, he is honest about who he is but at the same time he's struggling about how he really feels for Sookie. I think that says he feels much more deeply about her than the others. I think the other men are hot but they're more selfish than they let on. For instance, Alcide, although he feels attracted to Sookie, he will never get on with anyone who's not Were. Quinn is a great guy but he will never love her as much as he loves his mom and sister. Bill loves her but there's something lacking in that relationship for some reason. And Sam..let's not go there. Bestfriends should stay as bestfriends.
i never thought i would consider it but after book 10 i really really wont sookie to be brought over, but harris said that want she has to end up with a were, because she cant 'hear' them or she will end up alone :(
Sookie has to stay wuth Eric, They are totally made for each other, He is all independent and powerful, she also is very independent and likes time to herself. In the end i think Charlaine needs to have Sookie turned so her and Eric can rein in Shreveport together with Pam. Also waiting 4 years is Ridiculous for the books surely you can release them as you write Charlaine PLEASE
sookie should stay with eric bill was just her first lover he isn't right for her , eric never lost his interest in sookie and he always try to win her over him
sookie can't stay with eric..he's immortal! he can't have a 'normal' family with her..and that's what she wants. CH clarified sookie will stay human so she will grow old and die and he won't..maybe she should become a vampire after all :S
well i think everyone has forgotten the fact that sookie's great- grandfather told her that the vampire is a good man. I think he meant bill.As far a the relationship with Eric goes i don't think she'll end up with him she has doubts about her feelings for him and she does want the blood bond broken. Dont get me wrong i love them as a couple but i don't think they will end up together. The thing with Alcide is that I've always found him to be a ignorant. he had a thing for her but yet he's gotten with all these women who ended up to be wrong for him and treating sookie the way he did after his dad died thats just wrong
If sookie and eric aren't together I will be soooooooooo PISSED!!!!!!! They're soo perfect together and I loved the ending to this book it was soooooooooo good and I'm looking forward to the books to come.
i love all her books...if she prints 25 of them, i will buy, read and love all her sookie books. i also love eric...he is so good to sookie and takes great care of her....she deserves are a wonderful writer miss charlaine.
2011-2014, only 3 books. Noooo. Talk about suspense. I'm all for Eric in the books but I like Bill on the TV series.... The books are better though. I'd like to see more of Claude and Dermot. I like Hunter as well. Interesing to delve deeper into these new characters. I'm over Alcide and Quinn, not a fan of either of them. I think Sookie will have some kind of accident where she has to be turned. Don't think she'd do it willingly.
omg thank you so much i love these books and cant wait for the new ones im kinda hoping she ends up with Eric im in love with him lol ah these books give me a reason there where i can go to escape me hard torment of a life thank you charlaine you are a wonderful writer and hope that there a lot more sookie to come
Just finished dead in the family the book is brilliant want more off just eric and sookie he is defo for her , i know u want to have twist in the take but plz dont they belong togther and have been through so much toether
Just finished dead in is good, but not great..action is not so fast like before, like ch didn't have some good ideas, e is not the same Viking, b almost not exist. i'm big fan of sookie - eric relationship and i hope he will be her sire in the last book :)
Loved the book. Sookie and Eric is a good story for now. I would lobe to see her end up with Bill. However I think there's something there with Alcide and I'd like to see something come of that. Bill did lacki this book and that upset me. What did happen to Quinn?
just finished book, it was great. i know CH said sookie wont be turned but, how else can it end unless CH has another way for sookie to live for ever with out becoming a vampire. and i really want her and eric to stay together that suit each other well and she can stand up to him which is what he needs
i just read dead in the family and it was great but to have to wait a hole year is just crul i cant get enough of these books and i sooooooooooo love eric him and sookie are great together and i agree i hope they get to stay together forever somehow ch your the best.
I recently finished Dead In The Family and i truly believe Eric and Sookie are the best suited couple throughout the series. I liked Quinn and Alcide as they both came across as sexy and had a stereotypical "badboy" appeal about them but Bill just bored me. Book 10 seriously left so much unanswered but i guess it keeps us wanting more?! I keep wondering if the fairie that Niall set Sookie up with secretly in one of the shorter stories will ever re-appear? All in all, Eric & Sookie ftw.
ive just finished reading dead in the family it was ace and i really love that eric and sookie are together eric is so sexy but i have to say im still hoping that sookie will get back with bill i cant help it i no he hurt her real bad i actually cried at that part but what they have is real love and i think eric's maker dying will change him and then bill will get his chance again the only thing so sookie will want kids at some point and i think that the fairies will play a part in this like they did with her grand mother i hope bill and sookie can do this together but im gutted that i have to wait for the next book but i can always read them all again but i think that soo
I love series so much that I preordered book 10 more than a month in advance! I can't get enough of Eric and Sookie they are prefect together! Quinn was great and created a very nice mental pic, but in the end it's all about the Sheriff of Area 5! The Fae war a little off, but kept it interesting away from a romance novel type. Dead in the Family did leave me ?? wanting more and I am sad that I have to wait til 2011 for more! Until then I'll just read my favorite parts of books 1 thru 10 over and over=)
My sister bought me the first book in the series and since than I was hooked. I can't wait to add the next book to my bookshelf. 2011 is so far away though :(
I read 10 books in 8 days. Waiting until 2014 to read the 3 books in the works is going to feel like some kind of cruel punishment!
I like that Sookie is with Eric, but I liked bewitched Eric the best! I feel like Sookie has the best chance for a stable relationship with Quinn. It broke my heart that they never got to talk after Sookie got knocked out.
I am eagerly awaiting the next book, but I can bide my time so that the book is as polished as it needs to be!
I love the series too! I really like that Sookie and Eric are together, but I don't think It can last. She wants children, and he can't give them to her, and unless he is willing to let her have some, while they stay together,...I just don't know. I hope it lasts though.
The books and the tv show are wonderful and highly addictive. But...they are different. In the books, I think Eric is great for Sookie now that Bill has been taken care of, however, in the tv show, Sookie and Bill have far more chemistry!! The Eric on tv doesn't have the same spark he has in the books.
Just finished the 10th book and I totally loved it - Eric and Sookie should always be together - but that's maybe just because I fancy Eric!! Loved the mentions of Jace Everett's Bad Things.
Have read most of the books and love them all although it seems somewhat predictably that somebody goes missing every book. Personally, I don't wanna see Sookie end up with a vamp although Eric & Bill can certainly make the whole undead thing sort of glamorous. I want her to wind up with someone she loves who will age like she will and with whom she can have lots of blonde, telepathic babies. Is that to much to hope for.
i think these boks only became popular because of the show true blood. I kinda find that Sookie is a bit of a racist, I wonder if that kinda reflects the author's character. I have to admit that I like that the show True Blood is moving away from the story line in the Sookie Stackhouse series. It just makes it a lot more interesting than the book.
Does anyone else think that the whole Hunter story line could lead to her raisinghim in some way. just seems like a strange fit. I love Eric and think it would be great if Charlaine could work out a way for them to be together on a more relaxed basis. I am also coming around to Bill again after being annoyed at him since book 3. I hope her new family stick around as she does need some. Can't wait till book 11. p.s I dont think Sookie is racist she is just from an area that comes with a lot of tension. se is the most accepting good natured of all of them. Thats why we love her!
The only way Sookie would end up with Bill is if Eric's out of the picture, cause if you remember they are MARRIED!!! You cant just ignore a commitment like that. Even if Sookie doesn't like it much every other sup has to honer that. I for one think that Eric and Sookie make the best couple. I really don't like the fact that we have to wait four years but i can wait i wont like it but as long as she puts Eric and Sookie together i can live with the wait
So they HAVE to be together foreever, even in the afterlife or i won't be able to get over it !!!!
Does anyone else ever think too about a possibility for one of them to die? Or am I the only one here not being overly happy with previsible happy ending stuff ?
... and I don't know about you but I LOOOOOve so much the actor who plays Eric in T.B. !!! He is just perfect! But I'm upset about a little thing; you see Eric is suposed to have the most beautifull LONG and blond hair. And i love so much that ( guys with long air) I regret there're short on the tv version, but on the other and, alexander S. is not so great with lond hair, he is much better when it's become shorter, so...
I would like to see Sookie with Alcide or Quinn I think either would be fine with me. Although Quinn would have to sort out his family issues and learn how to balance his work and relationships if he seeks to have a relationship with Sookie. I don't really care for Sam (my opinion) I think he's a bit of a snooze and lacks some back bone. I've resigned myself to the fact that Charlaine has planned for Sam to be Sookie's happily ever after so, I know what's to come when the Sookie chronicles finally end.
AMAZING! I simply can NOT wait! I am so happy that Sookie ended up with Eric! Their should be something that happens to make Eric a 'Day Walker'. That would be great!
I love this series. I have read all ten books since May and after finishing the tenth was worried that would be "the end" until I found out more were on the way. I hope Ms. Harris stays true to her writing style. I love how everyone gives her their advice on how these relationships should go. Like she didn't come up with this stuff before we all got involved! haha I have always been partial to vampires so I loved Sookie and Bill together but I have to admit I fell head over heels with Eric in book 4 and never turned back!! I love how we are seeing more into his character and a more loving side of him. In the beginning I was a "purist" and would not watch the HBO series because it was too much of a departure from the books. Once I got over some major differences I learned to enjoy the show on it's own and try not to compare it so much to the books. Luckily, with all the new characters and the expansion of existing characters the HBO series could go on endlessly. If we were voting, I would say less were, fairy, shifters and more more more vamps.
I read all 10 books in a week and became totally hooked! Eric is my favorite charcter in both the books and the tv show. I love Eric & Sookie together, and I hope they stay together.It would be nice if Eric changed her & they would be together for ever, maybe with a formal wedding along with the ceremonial vampire wedding.THey could be the couple that breaks the mold of "we're only gonna be together for a few decades". I want them to be eternal.I want Bill to find happiness, because he's not a bad guy, as well as become a bigger character in the next book...maybe we could get some Bill-Pam action? As far as the tv show, I want Sookie to be with Bill, simply because I don't believe Anna P. is good enough, (nor do I like her), to get that intimate with the beautiful Alexander Skarsgard.
I think, that after being so involved in this story for so long that it would break my heart if there was no way to end the series with Eric and Sookie being a couple forever. Lets do something for the fans! The movies don't anymore.
I am somewhat worried about the following books, because I'm not quite sure I'll be able to keep reading if Eric and Sookie break up. Their building relationship has been the thing I've loved most about this series. I feel that every book has built more on their connection, which makes me feel that he is indeed the one for her. Even when Sookie was dating Quinn she cared about Eric, and Eric was the one who was pretty much always there for her when she needed him. She may not have agreed to the marriage but she did nothing to try to get out of it once it happened. I hope that, somehow, perhaps as a favor from her great-grandfather, Eric will be given back a human life. Sookie's fantasizing about Eric's hair blowing in the wind of the car in the daytime is, I hope, foreshadowing...even though making such a thing happen might be jumping the shark. Eh, I want to see it anyway
Ugh, I so do not want eric and sookie to stay together! I love bill but I also don't think sookie should end up with a vampire! I did like quinn, or even a fae for her:)
I read all ten books in 5 days and I'm addicted to them now! I do hate how far the show strays from the books, but I guess I'll just have to learn to enjoy them separately.
I LOVE the Sookie-Eric relationship. I LOVE the marriage that he tricked her into and LOVE when he calls her his wife. I would give anything to see her call him her husband in the next book.
Eric will never change her though. He knows that's not what she would ever realy want, she's told him so herself that she wouldn't want to be changed, even if she was dying. Plus, he'll def. not be the one to sire her b/c then he would be her master and it would change things too much. He likes that she'll stand up to him and that tension is what adds to the appeal of their relationship. They would both get bored if she HAD to do everything he told her to do. And, I don't think her Fae blood (even when mixed with the vamp blood) will stop her from aging/dying.
Many of you have mentioned you think you'd like to see Eric human, but he wouldn't truly be happy as a human. Plus, knowing their luck, if such an outrageous thing where to happen, he'd probably end up just getting killed off.
I would like to see Hunter play more into her life too. I think Bill is better as a friend and don't want to see him back in the picture romantically.
As someone mentioned, I think the books will probably end with Sookie's death. I mean, no matter who she's with, she'll never get her normal life with a family or whatever else she wants. The vamps(and Weres)know how valuable she is and she'll never be left alone. MAYBE THE SERIES WILL END WITH HER DYING AND COMING BACK AS A GHOST?
OMG! all the books are really amazing I can't wait the next one. Ms. Harris, you know how to keep us really interested, congratulations. About the novels I think Sookie and Eric are the perfect match; I don't think she should be with Bill and now that Sookie put him & Judith together it will means that Bill will be happy. The good thing is that Sookie had some thoughts about the possible change to be with Eric "ever after" I will do it! MAVA
These books are really addicting. I don't mind Bill, but I don't think he should get another chance with Sookie. Eric has always been there for her and they make an adorable couple and it would be sad to see them part. However, if they do part, Eric still needs someone too. It would be an over joy to see more romance in the next 3 books, and less drama, Sookie needs a break. =)
I love eric hes my faverite charactor. He has saved her life many times and vise versa and he has always been there for her. he is always honest with her and the only reason her tricked her in to marrying him is so philip de costo couldnt force her to move away from her life and all those she loves. also he saved her from andre who propbly would have used and abused her. he has also never made her do anything she didnt wnt her to do and he asked her several times whether she was in love with anyone elce (Quinn, bill)and i think if she did wnt to be with them he would let her go (painful as it maybe)Quinn told sook he would kill Eric to brake the bond but she said if quinn killed Eric she would have a problem with Quinn doesn't that show how much she cares for him? as for having children one day we all will die but to live an eternity with the one you love wouldnt that be great? (just my opinion)
Eric is so good for sookie i think shes alittle silly for not seeing whats in front of her. Even before the blood bond they had a connection and the only reason they blood bond occured was because he gave her his blood to save Bill in book 2 and because he wanted to save her from andre. If she didnt wnt to agree she could have had andres blood. And as already mentioned yes he did save her by marrying her as she would have been taken by philip in dead and gone. so all the while what he did was in her interest. to save her from others. i think he truly loves her and shes blaming to much on the bloodbond instead of recognising how she really feels. they are perfect together. I hope CH keeps them together im afraid i'd probly not wont to read anymore books if they split. :(
I am in the middle of book 10 and so far I love it. I'm going through it slow cuz i hate not having a book to read about Sookie. Personally, I really like Sookie with Eric. She and Bill were nice together, but she brings out Eric's human side which I love seeing because she is the only one who makes him feel that way. I think they have something special.
The end of book 10 was a little disturbing. I could understand if Dermot would have asked Sookie to spend the night on the sofa but having him and Claude jumping in bed with her was very ODD! Sookie is becoming a little too much with always thinking about every man walking past her. Sookie should settle down with Eric.
Sookies great grandfather could grant her a wish by making Eric human temporarily and have Sookie become pregnant and also give her and their children (should be twins) a long life since they are part fairy. Please don't have Sookie sleeping around anymore. Especially with her cousin and uncle. ewww!! Eric and Sookie should also become legally wed.
Sookie definitely belongs with Eric. He wants only to love and protect her. Sookie makes Eric feel human. Eric helps keep Sookie in check by telling her she belongs to him so she doesnt sleep around. Bill was a good first boyfriend but Sookie needs someone strong like Eric and when you put those two together I didn't want to put the book down. I love them together!
I hope Charlaine Harris is reading this....I would be HEARTBROKEN if Eric and Sookie are not end game. None of the other men in her life even come close to Eric! I think I would be physically sick if they didn't end up together!! Eric (since book 1) has always been the most fascinating character, and to read through 10 books of suspense and romantic tension between Sookie and him and for books 11 - 13 to go a different way...I would be so disappointed.
eric is by far the most interesting character ever!!i love the many facets to his personality!i think no other male can compare to him as far as sookie is concerned and i dont say that just because he's supposed to be gorgeous...i will be very very disappointed if they dont end up together at the end...i dont think i'll even be able to read the rest of the books if that happens...a lot of my friends and my sister have already vowed to boycott it if CH permanently messes up their relationship...i like sookie and really think she should be with eric!
also i think CH creates real magic when she writes about eric and sookies relationship..its a story you just dont want to put down! please dont change that!
maybe if sookie is to be with Eric, they can find a magical/fairy way to make him human again?? and I do hope she chooses Eric. Though maybe CH has other plans of some other supernatural hottie for sookie that will have her living life and all of us loving to read about it. who knows, love the series and can't wait for more!
Sookie should became a vampire and to be with Eric forever. They could be King/Queen of Louisiana. But if Sookie will not be a vampire, I think they should stay together until she dies. After she dies, he should find the sun. Or Niall could turn Eric human (if it could be possible). I also would like to see them more like couple, not just sex. I loved when he told her in his home: JUMP!
I agree that Sookie and Eric belong together. I cannot wait for book 11, 12 and 13 to come out. Please tell me when book 11 is coming out. I hope very soon.
After having a marathon session of audiobook listening, I have gone through all 10 books. I wasn't even aware of the Sookie Stackhouse novels until True Blood. I actually got hooked after seeing the pilot episode of True Blood.
I've just recently joined the Sookie Stackhouse books band wagon after enjoying the third season on tv and getting curious about the story lines.
Mrs. Harris writing is clever. I'm surprised at how many people have grown to love vampires. Let's face it, the undead are blood seeking killing machines according to their "nature". The fact that we've seen more "human" traits in Bill has swayed public opinion. I was surprised at how Eric has been able to "glamour" us into falling for him. But lets face it don't all girls want the successful, handsome and most powerful vampire to sweep us off our feet?
As far as speculation about the course mrs. Harris will take I have mixed feelings. I assume the relationship between Eric and Sookie won't last. Let's face it their relationship is partly based on sexual attraction. Sookie didn't enter their relationship out of love for Eric. She's grown to love him with some reservation to the circumstances surrounding their union.
I actually fear Eric's demise. He has a powerful rival who's still in the picture. Maybe another suitor will be in Sookie's future? Let's not rule out Sam as her love interest..
I have loved these books since Charlaine started releasing them! I dont think that Bill and Sookie should get together at all.
I heard that Sookie will stay human which is cool, but what about the idea of a human servant??? SHe could stay with Eric 'always' and still be human. Just a thought.
I cant say I miss Quinn he was a nice side story but he does have too much going on,if she were to be with any supe thats not a vamp it should be alcide. He is awesome, but at the same time a little over bearing but most of the men are I have noticed. She got that in nutshell!! HA!
What if Sookie and Claude had a baby, maybe her just carrying the child could make her immortal like the other fae? Their child would be, its her world she can invent what ever she wants.
Its really exciting waiting for book eleven, I dont think Charlaine will disappoint.
How can Sookie stay human, when she wasn't born full blood human, but part Fae? We don't know yet how long fairies live (unless they are stabbed with garden shears)so perhaps she can marry whomever she chooses, and may live eternally, or as long as there is, with her mate!
It's difficult blending the True Blood series characters with those we have visualized in CHs books. Sam looks nothing like what I pictured, nor does Jason (although his mentality is right on the money!); Eric isn't as masculine as I had imagined, but he doesn't disppoint. For some reason the Bill on the show never impressed me; the Bill in the books certainly did; and right now the most handsome guy on the camera is Alcide Herveaux, and I met him in the book and he pulled the same strings so I am just completely befuddled! And I LOVE IT! There is a reason suspense has such a powerful pull!
YaY!!!! I've been suffering from Sookie withdrawl!! Please, Please, NO ending up with Bill........Eric has to take center stage in the world that is Sookie Stackhouse - LoL :)
Read all ten books and my god they're good! I wish the sex was more detailed like in the earlier books. I think Sookie and Eric are great together but if Sookie doesn't end up with Eric then i think she should be with Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does Charlaine Harris or her website managers actually read these comments? If not, she should. What an incredible pro-Eric sentiment! How could she even consider eliminating/ending the Sookie/Eric relationship if she takes notice of what her readers feel? I fear she'll have a lot of disappointed readers if she kills this off.
Nooo!! I'm gonna go completely crazy while waiting for the next book.. I've just read the first 10 books in 2-3 weeks... What the hell am I gonna do now??? Craptastic!!
I read all of your books in less than a month, i love your stories about sookie stackhouse and i hope that you will elongate the series way past 14, its just so addicting... thank you.
So adore Sookie Stackhouse series just brilliant have brought great enjoyment and escapism to my reading world thank you, So looking forward to the coming new books Please keep Eric and Sookie’s relationship growing and developing, also sookis’s fae side needs to grow & becoming more powerful.
I can see that Eric is getting Sookie more involved in the dealings of the vampire empire. I think and hope that she and Eric remain together ( I feel Eric truely loves her) in all the facets of who he is, the gentle vampire feeling from the heart and also the fierce vampire holding contol of his people. Sam is too soft for Sookie to be honest about it,while I feel that she will never be able to trust Bill totally again,,,,she freely gave Bill her heart and for him to lie and diregard her so easily. She experimented with her feelings for Quinn and found the results lacking, a 2-natured is not for Sookie,,, she needs someone that has strength in body and mind,she needs to be with a vamopire and that is Eric in all shape and form. They compliment each other and should be as one . Eric and Sookie, yes, the perfect pair
I have enjoyed the books and agree that Eric and Sookie are a more satisfying couple. They compliment and balance each other very well. Not really happy we have to wait another 4 years for the completion of the series. Oh well ... patience is a virtue :S
These are my all time favorite books.i have read them like a hundred times lol i think sookie should stay with eric.they fit so well together.Bill has done her so wrong.i cant wait for the other books to come out.its going to be awesome.I love you charlaine are fantastic!!!!
Eric obviously fell for Sookie the first time he met her in Bk 1. The relationship is the only one where there's been no lying and there's been a totally undeniable attraction. Whatever Sookie does in the future, Eric is the love of her life.
I don't know how many times I've read this entire series - about 8, now. I still think Eric is Sookie's love of life - - - - -
I cant wait.I pre-ordered my book (#11) and got it May 3rd,I am finishing the last chapter right now (May 4th!)
I believe that all 3 men in her life love her deaqrly (Sam,Eric and Bill) But it would be predictable if Eric dies for her in the end and she ends up with her best friend Sam,Which would be the "logical" choice since he is supernatural but can give her children and is mortal like Sookie which is important to her. But I dont want that predictable ending. I want her to become MORE faery so she can have longer life and extended youth and beauty but not immortal,so she can be with Eric and Use the Cluviel Dor to bear a certain Vampires child...
Loved Dead Reckoning... Wish we had more Eric and Sookie love action... Would like for her to wish for a happy ending with Eric, it would make everything work out in her favor. If Eric and Sookie are meant to be than they can adopt a child or she could become a very gifted vampire, making her super rare, it would be the only was to secure her safety. Her super powers could make her a Queen in the vampire world. I can't wait for the 12th novel. I love Bubba too, I'm a huge Elvis fan when I read of him the first time I felt like you wrote him in for me, thanks for that. You are a great writer, I finished in 9 1/2 hours. Your writing style keeps your readers captivated. Keep it up!!!!!!!!
I'd love if Sookie ended up with Eric. As strange as it seems, because Sam has always been there for Sookie and has been a good friend, I guess I never pictured him as her boyfriend. A: he is her boss. B: at the begining of the series I loved the Sookie/Bill couple. But now, I realize that actually it would make me really angry if Bill and Sookie got together again. I mean, he has hurted her plenty. He lied to her, he cheated on her and the fact that he fell for her at the end, just makes me think that is well done for him. I don't really want to see him suffer, but he just does not deserves her. And I know Eric is not perfect. He is not even close, but he is the one who belongs with her. He has always wanted her and now he develops serious feelings for her. It's just not fair that they don't saty together at the end. I hope CH thinks this way too.
I just finished book 8 and though i haven't read the next 2 yet, I really really miss Quinn! Of course the vampires are great and all but Quinn needs to come back into the picture somehow.
I am in the middle of book #11, but I stopped to read the novella "Small-Town Wedding" that came out in the new Companion Book. I miss Quinn so much, and when the Tij showed up, my heart was broken. I LOVE Quinn! But, I think she should end up with Sam. She needs a man who can take her shopping during the day, whom she can have baby with, and with whom she can grow old.
pure awesomeness!!!
ReplyDeleteawww!!! i cant wait to read them!!!
ReplyDeleteCAN'T WAIT!
ReplyDeleteBILL AND SOOKIE SHOULD BE TOGETHER I THINK!!! CANT WAIT TO READ THE REST OF THE SERIES! nd y did she sleep with other guys?!!!! no!!!!!!
ReplyDeletecan't wait no sookie shouldn't be with bill he is a ass
ReplyDeleteI want Sookie with Bill too, i hope they end up together.....please....
ReplyDeletesweet!! and bill is a mug! I wanna see some pam, sookie action...
ReplyDeleteI did not like the ending in this book it was too abrupt and more romance please.
ReplyDeleteLove your series!!! Please continue, I am truly addicted to the books!
ReplyDeleteLove the series and can't wait till next year! I like that Sookie seems to have found happines with Eric, I hope they stay together but with 3 more books to come...who knows
ReplyDeleteI agree that it ended too abruptly. What about Quinn? Anybody miss him? Please, please write quickly and release book 11 early!
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed with the 10th book, I really love Eric and Sookie together and am also glad that Pam and Sookie have become close friends...I am really excited for the last 3 books and hope like hell Sookie chooses ERIC!!!! Please!!! How long will I have to wait for the 11th?
ReplyDeletebook 10 starts off well and explains sum stuff however the middle lags and is all over the place. It seems to finish abruptly so unlike her other books. I also wish she woud bring back Quinn. I liked his character. There didn't seem to be much substance to this book. I was very disappointed.I hope the 11th book is better.
ReplyDeletei also missed Quinn. sookie should definitely not end up with bill and i agree that this book was a little bit all over the place. i would like to see a bit more of a story line in the next one. i love eric more than anyone but i ultimately dont think that sookie should end up with a vampire. cant wait to read the next one!
ReplyDeleteI agree that this book was not as organized as the others, however the depth the writer actually gave Eric, all i have to say is kudos. What this book lacked in organization more than made up in tasteful, interesting, even erotic at times intrigue. After having read all the books the few things i can conclude are; A-Eric and Sookie together make him more human, B-Bill having his sister become his companion is a good thing, he can finally move on, and B-Sookie still hasn't completely found her place in this world, hopefully in the next three books, she will. Can't wait for the next book.
ReplyDeleteGreat News!!! I just finsihed book 10 and while I agree I would have liked more meat in the book, I thought it was the best yet. Looking forward to the next 3 and just throwing it out there......Sookie and Sam
ReplyDeletei really really liked this book - it was very different than the rest and THANK GOD SHE'S WITH ERIC! now we just need more lovin between the two, forget bill, quinn was a nice thought but Eric's where its at! I can not wait for the next 3 books!
ReplyDeletei loved all the books and i def. cant wait for the next three praying bill and sookie end up together...i want them to so bad.....Eric loves her to but i believe bill loves her more!!!!
ReplyDeleteif sookie doesn't end up with Eric, i dont think i'll ever get over it!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteuhhh i was hoping at the end of the tenth it would come to a conclusion.. not that they are not great books I would totally read 3 more but I NEED A CONCLUSIon 4 yrs is way to long to wait will there ever even be an ending?
ReplyDeletesookie and eric are ok...but i can't stand it!i think she and bill were the REAL deal!and i believe he absolutely loves her, forever. i never trusted eric,he manipulated her from the beginning:@ please let bill+sookie end up together!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletei want eric and sookie to end up together too nd i agree 4 years is way to long to wait for the next three books i say as u finish them release them its not like their not going to sell, its a hit series for goodness sake, i read the irst ten since march nd now i have to wait four years geez thats crazy, wwell at least i got the show i guess
ReplyDeletei agree we'll be waiting for a loooong time...nd i want bill nd sookie.but i guess it will be eric no matter what i want :(
ReplyDeleteI have read Dead in the Family twice and am totally frustrated. In my mind, Sookie still isn't completely committed to Eric, but that just could be CH stringing us along and giving Bill fans hope that he will eventually end up with Sookie. If Bill ends up with a new HEA, I hope it is true love with a fabulous woman, not just settling for second best. He is the most interesting and complex character in the whole series. His struggle to be more human and to fight against his vampire nature is more interesting than Sookie's journey to find her true love.
ReplyDeleteRead Dead in the Family. Liked it, but wished Bill had a bigger role in the book. His role in this book was very human, classy and dignified; I totally loved it. Was glad to see Sookie give more thought to her relationship with Eric, but the end left me wondering if she will actually end up with Eric. Wish CH wouldn't drag the suspense out for 3 more years; it seems like it is killing all of us.
ReplyDeleteI beliebe Sookie has still feelings for Bill..deep inside at least...please please have her take him back..
ReplyDeleteI must say that I loved this book! I was very happy with Sookie being with Eric but I have a feeling that she will leave him and be with her boss. I read on the Authors website that CH has the book all planned out and Sookie will not become a vampire. Also Erics "Father" hinted to her leaving Eric in the future. Now that Jay has more responsibilites I believe she will choose the pm over Sam. Sookie wants to be in control over her life so for her to become a vampire she loses much of that control and she can no longer have the opportunity to have children. Well these are my thoughts and I hope I have not angred anyone, also im sorry about my horrible typing skills :P
ReplyDeleteEric and Sookie are going to get married.Pam pam papamm. Sookie is going to want to adopt the baby of Tara and JB (because they gone a die in an bad accident, oup's!) They will have problems has to officialize the adoption because the church and the gourvenement are firmly going to oppose to child's adoption by a couple (human being-vampire). It would be funny no? Yeah!
ReplyDeleteDead in the Family was a good book. However, I am wanting more of a larger storyline (like the Vampire Summit, only bigger), perhaps an international edge. If Eric and Sookie are to be together, it should not be because of the blood bond. Can't wait for book 11....Jaimsta
ReplyDeleteSookie has to end up with Eric!
ReplyDeleteI know that I cant wait for book 11! Ive never been so addicted to books in my life. Sookie and Eric are great for each other..i mean, he is really the only one who hasnt defied her in some crazy way. So the marriage thing was crazy..but not compared to Bill..or Quinns family issues...Alcide is a good man-Were-, but when your tradition is like his, I think not...I love this series Charlaine Harris! Please keep it going!
ReplyDeleteBooks must come out faster! More romance... and, less fighting within the super natural world... More Sookie & Eric time... we must get to know them as a couple... and, not just sex-time...
ReplyDeleteLove the books!!
oh, i liked Quinn sooo much. he was a nice change - compared to the vampires. i would really liked he ending up with Sookie -thought not too hopeful. i always thought Bill was her real love, obliged cheating behavior aside, but he is sort of immortal so there's my glitch... whatever happens and no matter who she ends up with [if it will not be Bill -or Quinn as a last resort i will be very upset :( ] i loooove the books !!!!!
ReplyDeleteDead in the Family was good but I don't think it had enough action. It explained a lot and you understand more about the character's histories but nothing really substantial happened! I don't really like Sookie with Eric. I mean I'm dealing with it right now but what about Alcide??!!! They never really got a chance and his comment to Sookie during the Were meeting gave me hope maybe she could be with him! She needs someone who can be with her during the day...she loves the sun too much to spend her life growing old with a vampire that will never change and will probably eventually leave her because either A)she is old, or B)she becomes vampire and those relationships never last!
ReplyDeleteI love Eric and Sookie together and would maybe like to see a proper (human) wedding between them. I think Bill is better off as friends and i liked the introduction of his sister. I was never a fan of Quinn and think Sookie does best with Vampires. I wonder if Sookie will ever be turned and if so by who? I don't think i can wait 4 years for the next three books seen as i just read the first 10 books in just over a week!
ReplyDeleteI think Eric is the perfect fit for Sookie. You have to read between the lines whenever they see each other, there's something there and that was before the blood bond. I think Eric is a magnificent character, see, he is honest about who he is but at the same time he's struggling about how he really feels for Sookie. I think that says he feels much more deeply about her than the others. I think the other men are hot but they're more selfish than they let on. For instance, Alcide, although he feels attracted to Sookie, he will never get on with anyone who's not Were. Quinn is a great guy but he will never love her as much as he loves his mom and sister. Bill loves her but there's something lacking in that relationship for some reason. And Sam..let's not go there. Bestfriends should stay as bestfriends.
ReplyDeletei never thought i would consider it but after book 10 i really really wont sookie to be brought over, but harris said that want she has to end up with a were, because she cant 'hear' them or she will end up alone :(
ReplyDeleteSookie has to stay wuth Eric, They are totally made for each other, He is all independent and powerful, she also is very independent and likes time to herself. In the end i think Charlaine needs to have Sookie turned so her and Eric can rein in Shreveport together with Pam. Also waiting 4 years is Ridiculous for the books surely you can release them as you write Charlaine PLEASE
ReplyDeletesookie should stay with eric
ReplyDeletebill was just her first lover he isn't right for her , eric never lost his interest in sookie and he always try to win her over him
sookie can't stay with eric..he's immortal! he can't have a 'normal' family with her..and that's what she wants. CH clarified sookie will stay human so she will grow old and die and he won't..maybe she should become a vampire after all :S
ReplyDeleteYou guys forget she has a touch of fairy in her so that might make her life longer or otherwise whats the point of her being part fairy?
ReplyDeletewell i think everyone has forgotten the fact that sookie's great- grandfather told her that the vampire is a good man. I think he meant bill.As far a the relationship with Eric goes i don't think she'll end up with him she has doubts about her feelings for him and she does want the blood bond broken. Dont get me wrong i love them as a couple but i don't think they will end up together. The thing with Alcide is that I've always found him to be a ignorant. he had a thing for her but yet he's gotten with all these women who ended up to be wrong for him and treating sookie the way he did after his dad died thats just wrong
ReplyDeleteIf sookie and eric aren't together I will be soooooooooo PISSED!!!!!!! They're soo perfect together and I loved the ending to this book it was soooooooooo good and I'm looking forward to the books to come.
ReplyDeletei love all her books...if she prints 25 of them, i will buy, read and love all her sookie books. i also love eric...he is so good to sookie and takes great care of her....she deserves are a wonderful writer miss charlaine.
ReplyDeleteAggghhhhhhh!!!! I can't wait another year for book 11!!! It was torture waiting for book 10. I'm totally addicted xxxx
ReplyDelete2011-2014, only 3 books. Noooo. Talk about suspense. I'm all for Eric in the books but I like Bill on the TV series....
ReplyDeleteThe books are better though. I'd like to see more of Claude and Dermot. I like Hunter as well. Interesing to delve deeper into these new characters. I'm over Alcide and Quinn, not a fan of either of them. I think Sookie will have some kind of accident where she has to be turned. Don't think she'd do it willingly.
omg thank you so much i love these books and cant wait for the new ones im kinda hoping she ends up with Eric im in love with him lol ah these books give me a reason there where i can go to escape me hard torment of a life thank you charlaine you are a wonderful writer and hope that there a lot more sookie to come
ReplyDeleteJust finished dead in the family the book is brilliant want more off just eric and sookie he is defo for her , i know u want to have twist in the take but plz dont they belong togther and have been through so much toether
ReplyDeleteJust finished dead in is good, but not great..action is not so fast like before, like ch didn't have some good ideas, e is not the same Viking, b almost not exist.
ReplyDeletei'm big fan of sookie - eric relationship and i hope he will be her sire in the last book :)
Loved the book. Sookie and Eric is a good story for now. I would lobe to see her end up with Bill. However I think there's something there with Alcide and I'd like to see something come of that. Bill did lacki this book and that upset me. What did happen to Quinn?
ReplyDeletejust finished book, it was great. i know CH said sookie wont be turned but, how else can it end unless CH has another way for sookie to live for ever with out becoming a vampire. and i really want her and eric to stay together that suit each other well and she can stand up to him which is what he needs
ReplyDeletei just read dead in the family and it was great but to have to wait a hole year is just crul i cant get enough of these books and i sooooooooooo love eric him and sookie are great together and i agree i hope they get to stay together forever somehow ch your the best.
ReplyDeleteI recently finished Dead In The Family and i truly believe Eric and Sookie are the best suited couple throughout the series. I liked Quinn and Alcide as they both came across as sexy and had a stereotypical "badboy" appeal about them but Bill just bored me. Book 10 seriously left so much unanswered but i guess it keeps us wanting more?! I keep wondering if the fairie that Niall set Sookie up with secretly in one of the shorter stories will ever re-appear? All in all, Eric & Sookie ftw.
ReplyDeleteive just finished reading dead in the family it was ace and i really love that eric and sookie are together eric is so sexy but i have to say im still hoping that sookie will get back with bill i cant help it i no he hurt her real bad i actually cried at that part but what they have is real love and i think eric's maker dying will change him and then bill will get his chance again the only thing so sookie will want kids at some point and i think that the fairies will play a part in this like they did with her grand mother i hope bill and sookie can do this together but im gutted that i have to wait for the next book but i can always read them all again but i think that soo
ReplyDeleteI love series so much that I preordered book 10 more than a month in advance! I can't get enough of Eric and Sookie they are prefect together! Quinn was great and created a very nice mental pic, but in the end it's all about the Sheriff of Area 5! The Fae war a little off, but kept it interesting away from a romance novel type. Dead in the Family did leave me ?? wanting more and I am sad that I have to wait til 2011 for more! Until then I'll just read my favorite parts of books 1 thru 10 over and over=)
ReplyDeleteI love your books!!! The book left me with so many questions too. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Thank you Ms. Harris!!!
ReplyDeleteMy sister bought me the first book in the series and since than I was hooked. I can't wait to add the next book to my bookshelf. 2011 is so far away though :(
ReplyDeleteI would love for Sookie to be with Quinn or Alcide
ReplyDeleteI read 10 books in 8 days. Waiting until 2014 to read the 3 books in the works is going to feel like some kind of cruel punishment!
ReplyDeleteI like that Sookie is with Eric, but I liked bewitched Eric the best! I feel like Sookie has the best chance for a stable relationship with Quinn. It broke my heart that they never got to talk after Sookie got knocked out.
I am eagerly awaiting the next book, but I can bide my time so that the book is as polished as it needs to be!
I love the series too! I really like that Sookie and Eric are together, but I don't think It can last. She wants children, and he can't give them to her, and unless he is willing to let her have some, while they stay together,...I just don't know. I hope it lasts though.
ReplyDeleteThe books and the tv show are wonderful and highly addictive. But...they are different. In the books, I think Eric is great for Sookie now that Bill has been taken care of, however, in the tv show, Sookie and Bill have far more chemistry!! The Eric on tv doesn't have the same spark he has in the books.
ReplyDeleteJust finished the 10th book and I totally loved it - Eric and Sookie should always be together - but that's maybe just because I fancy Eric!! Loved the mentions of Jace Everett's Bad Things.
ReplyDeleteHave read most of the books and love them all although it seems somewhat predictably that somebody goes missing every book. Personally, I don't wanna see Sookie end up with a vamp although Eric & Bill can certainly make the whole undead thing sort of glamorous. I want her to wind up with someone she loves who will age like she will and with whom she can have lots of blonde, telepathic babies. Is that to much to hope for.
ReplyDeletei think these boks only became popular because of the show true blood. I kinda find that Sookie is a bit of a racist, I wonder if that kinda reflects the author's character. I have to admit that I like that the show True Blood is moving away from the story line in the Sookie Stackhouse series. It just makes it a lot more interesting than the book.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else think that the whole Hunter story line could lead to her raisinghim in some way. just seems like a strange fit. I love Eric and think it would be great if Charlaine could work out a way for them to be together on a more relaxed basis. I am also coming around to Bill again after being annoyed at him since book 3. I hope her new family stick around as she does need some. Can't wait till book 11. p.s I dont think Sookie is racist she is just from an area that comes with a lot of tension. se is the most accepting good natured of all of them. Thats why we love her!
ReplyDeleteThe only way Sookie would end up with Bill is if Eric's out of the picture, cause if you remember they are MARRIED!!! You cant just ignore a commitment like that. Even if Sookie doesn't like it much every other sup has to honer that. I for one think that Eric and Sookie make the best couple. I really don't like the fact that we have to wait four years but i can wait i wont like it but as long as she puts Eric and Sookie together i can live with the wait
ReplyDeleteim on TEAM ERIC all the way :)) i love them together, and i love ERIC
ReplyDeleteI hate to say that but i've read tausend of comment and hoping and so on the net and even if I saddly haven't read dead in the family (well, I'm french after all, we don't have the book yet ;( T.T ) I think I've seen enought of it to wonder if anyone agrees with me but... I think, I really DO think that Sookie should be and hopefully would be with perfect oh so perfect vamp Eric. ( bill is always getting on my nerves!!)
ReplyDeleteBut: for me the only way to end up things with eric is sookie to be a vamp to; but that too impossible because that would ean she won't be herself anymore, the "character" sookie, will want a normal life with kids perhaps and so . there is no way she could become a vampire without deny everything she ever was ( or so at least in my point of view) but I can't see her with either Sam or a wereguy.. ( bill is out of competition!^^)
... So... for me (and that quite painfull to say) the only way is that before sookie becomes too old, eric and her love each other more and more and then one of them die, leaving the memories forever. and i think She should be the one to die because Eric will probably be able to get over it sooner. And if he really loved her, he will for eternity.. ^^ but that would be too cruel (sorry sorry, but story aren't always lovey dovey nice ending, or it will be boring, won't it?) So if eric is the one to die, Sookie could die quikly too, and she won't feel the pain for long,
but after thinking about it, make them both die together is a little iréalistic and overdoing
So they HAVE to be together foreever, even in the afterlife or i won't be able to get over it !!!!
Does anyone else ever think too about a possibility for one of them to die? Or am I the only one here not being overly happy with previsible happy ending stuff ?
... and I don't know about you but I LOOOOOve so much the actor who plays Eric in T.B. !!! He is just perfect! But I'm upset about a little thing; you see Eric is suposed to have the most beautifull LONG and blond hair. And i love so much that ( guys with long air) I regret there're short on the tv version, but on the other and, alexander S. is not so great with lond hair, he is much better when it's become shorter, so...
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see Sookie with Sam...
ReplyDeleteI would like to see Sookie with Alcide or Quinn I think either would be fine with me. Although Quinn would have to sort out his family issues and learn how to balance his work and relationships if he seeks to have a relationship with Sookie. I don't really care for Sam (my opinion) I think he's a bit of a snooze and lacks some back bone. I've resigned myself to the fact that Charlaine has planned for Sam to be Sookie's happily ever after so, I know what's to come when the Sookie chronicles finally end.
ReplyDeleteAMAZING! I simply can NOT wait! I am so happy that Sookie ended up with Eric! Their should be something that happens to make Eric a 'Day Walker'. That would be great!
ReplyDeleteI love this series. I have read all ten books since May and after finishing the tenth was worried that would be "the end" until I found out more were on the way. I hope Ms. Harris stays true to her writing style. I love how everyone gives her their advice on how these relationships should go. Like she didn't come up with this stuff before we all got involved! haha I have always been partial to vampires so I loved Sookie and Bill together but I have to admit I fell head over heels with Eric in book 4 and never turned back!! I love how we are seeing more into his character and a more loving side of him. In the beginning I was a "purist" and would not watch the HBO series because it was too much of a departure from the books. Once I got over some major differences I learned to enjoy the show on it's own and try not to compare it so much to the books. Luckily, with all the new characters and the expansion of existing characters the HBO series could go on endlessly. If we were voting, I would say less were, fairy, shifters and more more more vamps.
ReplyDeleteI read all 10 books in a week and became totally hooked! Eric is my favorite charcter in both the books and the tv show. I love Eric & Sookie together, and I hope they stay together.It would be nice if Eric changed her & they would be together for ever, maybe with a formal wedding along with the ceremonial vampire wedding.THey could be the couple that breaks the mold of "we're only gonna be together for a few decades". I want them to be eternal.I want Bill to find happiness, because he's not a bad guy, as well as become a bigger character in the next book...maybe we could get some Bill-Pam action? As far as the tv show, I want Sookie to be with Bill, simply because I don't believe Anna P. is good enough, (nor do I like her), to get that intimate with the beautiful Alexander Skarsgard.
ReplyDeleteLOVE Sookie and Eric together! Really hope to see him turn her and for them to be the vamp couple to stay together always!
ReplyDeleteI think, that after being so involved in this story for so long that it would break my heart if there was no way to end the series with Eric and Sookie being a couple forever. Lets do something for the fans! The movies don't anymore.
ReplyDeleteI am somewhat worried about the following books, because I'm not quite sure I'll be able to keep reading if Eric and Sookie break up. Their building relationship has been the thing I've loved most about this series. I feel that every book has built more on their connection, which makes me feel that he is indeed the one for her. Even when Sookie was dating Quinn she cared about Eric, and Eric was the one who was pretty much always there for her when she needed him. She may not have agreed to the marriage but she did nothing to try to get out of it once it happened. I hope that, somehow, perhaps as a favor from her great-grandfather, Eric will be given back a human life. Sookie's fantasizing about Eric's hair blowing in the wind of the car in the daytime is, I hope, foreshadowing...even though making such a thing happen might be jumping the shark. Eh, I want to see it anyway
ReplyDeleteUgh, I so do not want eric and sookie to stay together! I love bill but I also don't think sookie should end up with a vampire! I did like quinn, or even a fae for her:)
ReplyDeleteI read all ten books in 5 days and I'm addicted to them now! I do hate how far the show strays from the books, but I guess I'll just have to learn to enjoy them separately.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the Sookie-Eric relationship. I LOVE the marriage that he tricked her into and LOVE when he calls her his wife. I would give anything to see her call him her husband in the next book.
Eric will never change her though. He knows that's not what she would ever realy want, she's told him so herself that she wouldn't want to be changed, even if she was dying. Plus, he'll def. not be the one to sire her b/c then he would be her master and it would change things too much. He likes that she'll stand up to him and that tension is what adds to the appeal of their relationship. They would both get bored if she HAD to do everything he told her to do. And, I don't think her Fae blood (even when mixed with the vamp blood) will stop her from aging/dying.
Many of you have mentioned you think you'd like to see Eric human, but he wouldn't truly be happy as a human. Plus, knowing their luck, if such an outrageous thing where to happen, he'd probably end up just getting killed off.
I would like to see Hunter play more into her life too. I think Bill is better as a friend and don't want to see him back in the picture romantically.
As someone mentioned, I think the books will probably end with Sookie's death. I mean, no matter who she's with, she'll never get her normal life with a family or whatever else she wants. The vamps(and Weres)know how valuable she is and she'll never be left alone. MAYBE THE SERIES WILL END WITH HER DYING AND COMING BACK AS A GHOST?
OMG! all the books are really amazing I can't wait the next one. Ms. Harris, you know how to keep us really interested, congratulations. About the novels I think Sookie and Eric are the perfect match; I don't think she should be with Bill and now that Sookie put him & Judith together it will means that Bill will be happy. The good thing is that Sookie had some thoughts about the possible change to be with Eric "ever after" I will do it! MAVA
ReplyDeleteThese books are really addicting. I don't mind Bill, but I don't think he should get another chance with Sookie. Eric has always been there for her and they make an adorable couple and it would be sad to see them part. However, if they do part, Eric still needs someone too. It would be an over joy to see more romance in the next 3 books, and less drama, Sookie needs a break. =)
ReplyDeleteI love eric hes my faverite charactor. He has saved her life many times and vise versa and he has always been there for her. he is always honest with her and the only reason her tricked her in to marrying him is so philip de costo couldnt force her to move away from her life and all those she loves. also he saved her from andre who propbly would have used and abused her. he has also never made her do anything she didnt wnt her to do and he asked her several times whether she was in love with anyone elce (Quinn, bill)and i think if she did wnt to be with them he would let her go (painful as it maybe)Quinn told sook he would kill Eric to brake the bond but she said if quinn killed Eric she would have a problem with Quinn doesn't that show how much she cares for him? as for having children one day we all will die but to live an eternity with the one you love wouldnt that be great? (just my opinion)
ReplyDeleteEric is so good for sookie i think shes alittle silly for not seeing whats in front of her. Even before the blood bond they had a connection and the only reason they blood bond occured was because he gave her his blood to save Bill in book 2 and because he wanted to save her from andre. If she didnt wnt to agree she could have had andres blood. And as already mentioned yes he did save her by marrying her as she would have been taken by philip in dead and gone. so all the while what he did was in her interest. to save her from others. i think he truly loves her and shes blaming to much on the bloodbond instead of recognising how she really feels. they are perfect together. I hope CH keeps them together im afraid i'd probly not wont to read anymore books if they split. :(
ReplyDeleteI am in the middle of book 10 and so far I love it. I'm going through it slow cuz i hate not having a book to read about Sookie. Personally, I really like Sookie with Eric. She and Bill were nice together, but she brings out Eric's human side which I love seeing because she is the only one who makes him feel that way. I think they have something special.
ReplyDeleteEric <3 Ohmyfuckinggod. <333
ReplyDeleteI agree that if Sookie and Eric break up I might not be able to keep reading!!
ReplyDelete<3 Eric
The end of book 10 was a little disturbing. I could understand if Dermot would have asked Sookie to spend the night on the sofa but having him and Claude jumping in bed with her was very ODD! Sookie is becoming a little too much with always thinking about every man walking past her. Sookie should settle down with Eric.
ReplyDeleteSookies great grandfather could grant her a wish by making Eric human temporarily and have Sookie become pregnant and also give her and their children (should be twins) a long life since they are part fairy. Please don't have Sookie sleeping around anymore. Especially with her cousin and uncle. ewww!! Eric and Sookie should also become legally wed.
ReplyDeleteSookie definitely belongs with Eric. He wants only to love and protect her. Sookie makes Eric feel human. Eric helps keep Sookie in check by telling her she belongs to him so she doesnt sleep around. Bill was a good first boyfriend but Sookie needs someone strong like Eric and when you put those two together I didn't want to put the book down. I love them together!
ReplyDeleteI hope Charlaine Harris is reading this....I would be HEARTBROKEN if Eric and Sookie are not end game. None of the other men in her life even come close to Eric! I think I would be physically sick if they didn't end up together!! Eric (since book 1) has always been the most fascinating character, and to read through 10 books of suspense and romantic tension between Sookie and him and for books 11 - 13 to go a different way...I would be so disappointed.
ReplyDeleteeric is by far the most interesting character ever!!i love the many facets to his personality!i think no other male can compare to him as far as sookie is concerned and i dont say that just because he's supposed to be gorgeous...i will be very very disappointed if they dont end up together at the end...i dont think i'll even be able to read the rest of the books if that happens...a lot of my friends and my sister have already vowed to boycott it if CH permanently messes up their relationship...i like sookie and really think she should be with eric!
ReplyDeletealso i think CH creates real magic when she writes about eric and sookies relationship..its a story you just dont want to put down! please dont change that!
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh! can't wait!
ReplyDeletemaybe if sookie is to be with Eric, they can find a magical/fairy way to make him human again?? and I do hope she chooses Eric. Though maybe CH has other plans of some other supernatural hottie for sookie that will have her living life and all of us loving to read about it. who knows, love the series and can't wait for more!
ReplyDeleteTeam Eric all the way.
ReplyDeleteTeam Eric (from Brazil-excuse my wrong type)
ReplyDeleteSookie should became a vampire and to be with Eric forever. They could be King/Queen of Louisiana.
But if Sookie will not be a vampire, I think they should stay together until she dies. After she dies, he should find the sun.
Or Niall could turn Eric human (if it could be possible).
I also would like to see them more like couple, not just sex. I loved when he told her in his home: JUMP!
2014?!?!? WILL WE EVEN BE ALIVE THEN!?!?!?!?!?!
ReplyDeletexD =P
I agree that Sookie and Eric belong together. I cannot wait for book 11, 12 and 13 to come out. Please tell me when book 11 is coming out. I hope very soon.
ReplyDeleteWow, just wow!
ReplyDeleteAfter having a marathon session of audiobook listening, I have gone through all 10 books.
I wasn't even aware of the Sookie Stackhouse novels until True Blood. I actually got hooked after seeing the pilot episode of True Blood.
I've just recently joined the Sookie Stackhouse books band wagon after enjoying the third season on tv and getting curious about the story lines.
Mrs. Harris writing is clever. I'm surprised at how many people have grown to love vampires. Let's face it, the undead are blood seeking killing machines according to their "nature".
The fact that we've seen more "human" traits in Bill has swayed public opinion. I was surprised at how Eric has been able to "glamour" us into falling for him. But lets face it don't all girls want the successful, handsome and most powerful vampire to sweep us off our feet?
As far as speculation about the course mrs. Harris will take I have mixed feelings.
I assume the relationship between Eric and Sookie won't last. Let's face it their relationship is partly based on sexual attraction. Sookie didn't enter their relationship out of love for Eric. She's grown to love him with some reservation to the circumstances surrounding their union.
I actually fear Eric's demise. He has a powerful rival who's still in the picture.
Maybe another suitor will be in Sookie's future?
Let's not rule out Sam as her love interest..
I have loved these books since Charlaine started releasing them! I dont think that Bill and Sookie should get together at all.
ReplyDeleteI heard that Sookie will stay human which is cool, but what about the idea of a human servant??? SHe could stay with Eric 'always' and still be human. Just a thought.
I cant say I miss Quinn he was a nice side story but he does have too much going on,if she were to be with any supe thats not a vamp it should be alcide. He is awesome, but at the same time a little over bearing but most of the men are I have noticed. She got that in nutshell!! HA!
What if Sookie and Claude had a baby, maybe her just carrying the child could make her immortal like the other fae? Their child would be, its her world she can invent what ever she wants.
Its really exciting waiting for book eleven, I dont think Charlaine will disappoint.
How can Sookie stay human, when she wasn't born full blood human, but part Fae? We don't know yet how long fairies live (unless they are stabbed with garden shears)so perhaps she can marry whomever she chooses, and may live eternally, or as long as there is, with her mate!
ReplyDeleteIt's difficult blending the True Blood series characters with those we have visualized in CHs books. Sam looks nothing like what I pictured, nor does Jason (although his mentality is right on the money!); Eric isn't as masculine as I had imagined, but he doesn't disppoint. For some reason the Bill on the show never impressed me; the Bill in the books certainly did; and right now the most handsome guy on the camera is Alcide Herveaux, and I met him in the book and he pulled the same strings so I am just completely befuddled! And I LOVE IT! There is a reason suspense has such a powerful pull!
ReplyDeletei am thrilled that 3 more books are coming. I LOVE THE SOOKIE BOOKS AND TRUE BLOOD. TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYaY!!!! I've been suffering from Sookie withdrawl!! Please, Please, NO ending up with Bill........Eric has to take center stage in the world that is Sookie Stackhouse - LoL :)
ReplyDeleteERIC ERIC ERIC and if for some reason it can't be Eric then Sam. Love your books can't wait for the next one.
ReplyDeleteRead all ten books and my god they're good! I wish the sex was more detailed like in the earlier books. I think Sookie and Eric are great together but if Sookie doesn't end up with Eric then i think she should be with Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDoes Charlaine Harris or her website managers actually read these comments? If not, she should. What an incredible pro-Eric sentiment! How could she even consider eliminating/ending the Sookie/Eric relationship if she takes notice of what her readers feel? I fear she'll have a lot of disappointed readers if she kills this off.
ReplyDeleteNooo!! I'm gonna go completely crazy while waiting for the next book.. I've just read the first 10 books in 2-3 weeks... What the hell am I gonna do now??? Craptastic!!
ReplyDeleteI read all of your books in less than a month, i love your stories about sookie stackhouse and i hope that you will elongate the series way past 14, its just so addicting... thank you.
ReplyDeleteLove the Sookie Stackhouse series !!
ReplyDeleteSo glad she is making more im addicted :D
And Eric and Sookie are perfect together.
So adore Sookie Stackhouse series just brilliant have brought great enjoyment and escapism to my reading world thank you,
ReplyDeleteSo looking forward to the coming new books
Please keep Eric and Sookie’s relationship growing and developing, also sookis’s fae side needs to grow & becoming more powerful.
Thank you so much
I can see that Eric is getting Sookie more involved in the dealings of the vampire empire. I think and hope that she and Eric remain together ( I feel Eric truely loves her) in all the facets of who he is, the gentle vampire feeling from the heart and also the fierce vampire holding contol of his people. Sam is too soft for Sookie to be honest about it,while I feel that she will never be able to trust Bill totally again,,,,she freely gave Bill her heart and for him to lie and diregard her so easily. She experimented with her feelings for Quinn and found the results lacking, a 2-natured is not for Sookie,,, she needs someone that has strength in body and mind,she needs to be with a vamopire and that is Eric in all shape and form. They compliment each other and should be as one . Eric and Sookie, yes, the perfect pair
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed the books and agree that Eric and Sookie are a more satisfying couple. They compliment and balance each other very well. Not really happy we have to wait another 4 years for the completion of the series. Oh well ... patience is a virtue :S
ReplyDeleteThese are my all time favorite books.i have read them like a hundred times lol i think sookie should stay with eric.they fit so well together.Bill has done her so wrong.i cant wait for the other books to come out.its going to be awesome.I love you charlaine are fantastic!!!!
ReplyDeleteEric obviously fell for Sookie the first time he met her in Bk 1. The relationship is the only one where there's been no lying and there's been a totally undeniable attraction. Whatever Sookie does in the future, Eric is the love of her life.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how many times I've read this entire series - about 8, now. I still think Eric is Sookie's love of life - - - - -
Love Sam, too, though.
Bill is done - leave him with Judith.
I cant wait.I pre-ordered my book (#11) and got it May 3rd,I am finishing the last chapter right now (May 4th!)
ReplyDeleteI believe that all 3 men in her life love her deaqrly (Sam,Eric and Bill)
But it would be predictable if Eric dies for her in the end and she ends up with her best friend Sam,Which would be the "logical" choice since he is supernatural but can give her children and is mortal like Sookie which is important to her.
But I dont want that predictable ending.
I want her to become MORE faery so she can have longer life and extended youth and beauty but not immortal,so she can be with Eric and Use the Cluviel Dor to bear a certain Vampires child...
Loved Dead Reckoning... Wish we had more Eric and Sookie love action... Would like for her to wish for a happy ending with Eric, it would make everything work out in her favor. If Eric and Sookie are meant to be than they can adopt a child or she could become a very gifted vampire, making her super rare, it would be the only was to secure her safety. Her super powers could make her a Queen in the vampire world. I can't wait for the 12th novel. I love Bubba too, I'm a huge Elvis fan when I read of him the first time I felt like you wrote him in for me, thanks for that. You are a great writer, I finished in 9 1/2 hours. Your writing style keeps your readers captivated. Keep it up!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTeam Sam! She has been setting it up for a while. This last book said it for me. "My bestfriend", and other subtle things. Its definitely Sam.
ReplyDeleteI'd love if Sookie ended up with Eric. As strange as it seems, because Sam has always been there for Sookie and has been a good friend, I guess I never pictured him as her boyfriend. A: he is her boss. B: at the begining of the series I loved the Sookie/Bill couple. But now, I realize that actually it would make me really angry if Bill and Sookie got together again. I mean, he has hurted her plenty. He lied to her, he cheated on her and the fact that he fell for her at the end, just makes me think that is well done for him. I don't really want to see him suffer, but he just does not deserves her. And I know Eric is not perfect. He is not even close, but he is the one who belongs with her. He has always wanted her and now he develops serious feelings for her. It's just not fair that they don't saty together at the end. I hope CH thinks this way too.
ReplyDeleteI just finished book 8 and though i haven't read the next 2 yet, I really really miss Quinn! Of course the vampires are great and all but Quinn needs to come back into the picture somehow.
ReplyDeleteI am in the middle of book #11, but I stopped to read the novella "Small-Town Wedding" that came out in the new Companion Book. I miss Quinn so much, and when the Tij showed up, my heart was broken. I LOVE Quinn! But, I think she should end up with Sam. She needs a man who can take her shopping during the day, whom she can have baby with, and with whom she can grow old.